About Realm of Books

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Hello! My name is William Stark and I’ve always been an avid reader of good books, particularly fantasy and mystery. Growing up, I found myself becoming an unofficial book recommender for friends and family (especially my younger brothers)—and Realm of Books grew out of that love for finding the “right” book for each person. I started this website two years ago to help more people easily discover new books that fit their particular interests, and it’s been growing ever since.
These reviews center primarily around children's fiction, particularly lesser-known works. However, I also agree with the C.S. Lewis quote below—nothing I review is only suited for children, and every book I review is one I’ve read myself (and thoroughly enjoyed). In short, I think readers of all ages should be able to enjoy and benefit from browsing through the site. Who knows, you might discover a new favorite!
"No book is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally – and often far more – worth reading at the age of fifty and beyond." -C. S. Lewis